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The Winners in the 12th BULGARIAN PROPERTIES Annual Awards


At the end of the year it's time for annual reviews and awards for the top performers.

We would like to present you the winners in BULGARIAN PROPERTIES Annual Awards 🏆 for best results and special contribution to the company development in 2019.


The winners in this category are:

• For "Highest Number of Sales" and ”Highest Sales Growth” the winner is Sofia Head Office

• The award for "Highest Number of Sales in a Holiday Complex" is received by our Borovets Office for impressive number of sales in the second phase of Borovets Gardens Complex

• With the prize "Biggest Regional Sales Growth" are awarded Varna Office
and Stara Zagora Office on the first and the second place respectively


There are a several winners in this category:

• 2019 “Most Expensive Sale” Award is received by Stoycho Bugov and Rosen Stankov from Sofia Head Office for the sale of a house in Simeonovo

• The “Most Expensive Apartment Sale” prize for 2019 was awarded to the founder and owner of BULGARIAN PROPERTIES Mihail Chobanov

Tsvetan Kemerov received the “Most Expensive Sale” Award in the Commercial Property segment for the sale of an office building in Sofia

• The “Most Expensive Holiday Property” prize is awarded to Dimitar Valkanov for the sale of a beachfront apartment in Sozopol


• The 2019 “Broker of the Year” Award went to Rosen Stankov and Ivan Krumov of the Head Office in Sofia for the stunning results they achieved in the sales of our exclusive Modera Residence and Park View Residence complexes.

Julia Todorova took the second place in the Broker of the Year rankings for the high volume of sales in AMur Residence and Vitosha View complexes

Emilia Emilova won the bronze in this category. She received this recognition for doubling her sales in 2019 and for her excellent results in the sales of the Tsaritsa Yoana Complex in Lyulin 2, as well as other new developments in Sofia.

Daniel Tonev was named "Best New Broker" for numerous successful deals, as well as for exceptional achievements in the sale of a luxury property belonging to a Bulgarian celebrity.


The awards for special achievements and greatest contribution during the year were presented to:

• Yovko Nikolov for overall support of the sales process and a special contribution to servicing the large volume of sales


• Georgi Angelov from Robotic for "Most Successful Innovation" - the launch of the entirely redesigned website of BULGARIAN PROPERTIES


• The “Best Selling Complex” award was given to Park View Residence in Banishora, 80% of which we were able to sell in just 11 months!

• Second place for "Best-Selling Complex" is awarded to Modera Residence in Vitosha quarter, which was last year's winner in this category. The gated complex is about to be completed and has only 35 apartments available for sale.

• Third place was awarded to AMur Residence in Manastirski Livadi which has proved that Manastirski Livadi district is at a top place in the buyers' preferences as a central Southern residential area.

• A special award for "Most Successful Completion" was awarded to our favourite Vitosha View complex, which, in addition to being emblematic for the development of Krustova Vada area, has also turned into a true legend.

Thank you for choosing to work with BULGARIAN PROPERTIES!

We wish you a happy and even more successful 2020!

Happy Holidays!🌲✨

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